Voting and elections

All you need to know about elections and how to vote in Denbighshire.

UK Parliamentary Elections (the General Election)

A general election was held on Thursday 4 July 2024.

Voter ID

Voters in Wales need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections.

This applies to:

  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections
  • UK parliamentary by-elections
  • Recall petitions
  • From October 2023 it will also apply to UK General elections.

Services and information

County council elections (local elections)

Find out about the county council elections.

City, town and community council elections

Find out about the city, town and community council elections.

Register to vote (external website)

Your vote matters, don't lose it. Visit to register to vote.

How to vote

How to vote in elections, including by post and by proxy.


Find out about By-elections.

Be a councillor

Find out about what councillors do and how to become one.

Registering to vote

Find out if you are eligible to vote, and how to register.

The electoral register and the 'open' register

Information about the electoral register and the 'open' register.

Polling stations

Find your polling station.

Senedd elections

Find out about the Senedd elections.

Parliamentary elections (General Elections)

Find out about Parliamentary elections (general elections).

Previous election results

See results of previous elections.


Find out about referendums.

Working at elections

Find out about working at elections.

Election expenses

'Election expenses' means the money that candidates and political parties spend on items and services during an election campaign. 

Police and Crime Commissioner elections

Find out about the Police and Crime Commissioner elections.