Business rates relief and reductions

Information about all the business rates relief and reductions available. 

Services and information

Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief

The Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme is available to qualifying businesses who operate in the retail, leisure, and hospitality sectors.

Empty Property Relief

Empty business properties are exempt from paying business rates for 3 months after the property becomes unoccupied.

Small business rate relief

Businesses with a Rateable Value below £6,000 will receive 100% Relief and Businesses whose Rateable Value is £6,000 to £12,000 will receive a reducing tapered relief.

Transitional Relief

Welsh Government has introduced a scheme to help protect small businesses from the impact of the revaluation, limiting the increase in the amounts payable.

Charitable relief

Charities are entitled to relief from rates on any non-domestic property which is wholly or mainly used for charitable purposes.

Not for profit organisations

Authorities can grant discretionary relief for a property where the occupiers are not for profit organisations.

Part occupation

When part of a property is temporarily unoccupied, the council can ask the Valuation Office to determine the rateable values of the occupied and unoccupied parts so that relief can be granted on the unoccupied area.

Hardship relief

Councils can grant relief to a ratepayer who would suffer hardship by paying the whole of the rates bill.

Green plant and machinery exemption

Information about the Green plant and machinery exemption.

Heat Networks Relief

The Heat Networks Relief is intended to support businesses with relief to non-domestic properties which are used wholly or mainly as a heat network and supply thermal energy generated from low-carbon sources.

Improvement Relief

Improvement relief has been introduced to help address this potential barrier to growth and investment in the tax-base.