Procurement strategy and rules
Information about our procurement strategy and rules.
Procurement Strategy
We currently spend in the region of £100 million a year with private and third sector organisations on the goods, services and works needed to deliver public services. It is our responsibility to manage this money efficiently and effectively to achieve Council objectives. Our Procurement Strategy sets out how we are changing procurement and commissioning within the Council by:
- Establishing a clear strategic direction and priorities for change;
- Establishing key commissioning and procurement policy principles; and
- Clearly setting out what we are going to do and why.
Procurement and commissioning strategy
Denbighshire’s Contract Procedure Rules (CPR’s)
Procurement by the Council is governed by detailed UK legislation, and the law requires that all council procurement and contracting is conducted transparently, fairly and in a non-discriminatory manner. To ensure this is the case, a set of internal Contract Procedure Rules (CPR’s) have been developed. These rules establish clear processes and procedures to ensure we act lawfully and fairly, and help us to achieve value for money.
Contract procedure rules