Corwen High Street & Green Lane Car Park: Highways & Environmental Improvements (Letter to residents and businesses)

Owner / Occupier

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Corwen High Street & Green Lane Car Park – Highways & Environmental Improvements

Phase two works are scheduled to start on Tuesday 31 October 2023 for six weeks on the Corwen Highway Improvement Scheme. The scheme involves a number of improvements on the A5, surrounding High Street and Green Lane Car Park:

Works will consist of the following main items.

Denbighshire County Council is seeking to rejuvenate the surrounding highway area of Corwen High Street.

The High Street works primarily involve:

  • Update/paint and clean up the street furniture in the High street i.e. metal signposts and railings
  • Update all ACO drainage
  • Installation of bollards, bins and pedestrian guardrail
  • Refurbishment of benches
  • Clean and re point existing paving slabs
  • Lay new paving to match existing Yorkstone
  • Have a designated area within the High street for a Christmas tree to be erected each year

Green Lane Car Park works primarily involve:

  • Refurbishment of the toilet block
  • New bus layby and associated road markings
  • Signage works

The principal contractor for the scheme, which was approved by Denbighshire County in May 2023 following consultation with the local community, is Tom James Construction Ltd.

Works are expected to take up to six weeks to complete, there will be temporary traffic signals on the A5 Bridge Street and Green Lane intermittently during new pavement works and temporary pedestrian crossings will be used to minimise disruption.

The Council will work closely with local businesses and residents throughout the project to ensure disruption is minimised and any concerns or issues are identified and addressed as soon as possible throughout the duration of the works.

Yours sincerely

Emlyn Jones
Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services


Key contact details when the works commence will be:

Denbighshire County Council
01824 706000

Contractor - Tom James Construction Services Ltd.