Transforming Towns Property Development Grant

We have secured funding from the Welsh Government Transforming Towns Programme to offer Transforming Towns Property Development Grant to regenerate commercial properties located in Rhyl town centre.

What is available?

The Transforming Towns Property Development Grant can provide individual projects with a grant from £5,000 to £50,000 to develop and upgrade a commercial property in Rhyl town centre.

There is a limited amount of funding available. If funds are over-subscribed, priority will be given in the order we receive completed applications and supporting evidence.


The Transforming Towns Property Development Grant is open to:

  • the freehold owners of a commercial property in Rhyl town centre
  • occupiers of a commercial property in Rhyl town centre who:
    • hold a lease with 7 years or more remaining at the date of application
    • have secured their landlord’s written consent to the proposed development works

Applicants will need to be able to fully fund the project in the first instance prior to payment of the grant.

We expect each project to be able to demonstrate benefits to Rhyl town centre, such as:

  • a reduction in empty properties in the town centre
  • improve the overall quality and image of the environment (creating identity, sense of place and business confidence) to encourage:
    • more people to spend more time in Rhyl town centre
    • more activity and trade to support local businesses
  • creating new employment and business opportunities
  • sustainability of existing and new businesses in the town centres

Eligible projects

The proposed works on a project could include:

  • external works to the front of a building which can include work deemed necessary for the structural integrity and the end use of the property, particularly where there is a change of use proposed, this may include:
    • shopfronts
    • improved display windows
    • signage Improvements
    • windows and doors
    • external lighting
    • roofs and chimneys
    • rainwater goods
    • rendering, stone cleaning and repairs, repointing
    • structural works
  • internal works would only be eligible for funding as part of a package of external improvements to the building, or, where a proposed change of use is required. This should include all work, visible or structural, necessary to complete the project to Building Regulations. This may include:
    • windows and doors
    • improved accessibility
    • walls, ceilings, lighting
    • utilities and services, including heating
    • welfare facilities (e.g., essential washroom and cleansing facilities only)
    • structural work
  • works to improve the energy efficiency of a building (e.g. enhanced insulation), will be eligible, as part of a broader suite of works

Works to provide or improve a residential property are not eligible for this grant.

How to apply

If you would like to apply for a Transforming Towns Property Development Grant, you will need to submit an Expression of Interest online form.

Expression of Interest online form

Applications may be submitted in Welsh. Any applications submitted in Welsh will be treated no less favourably than an application submitted in English.

After submitting an expression of interest

If all eligibility criteria from the Expression of Interest is met, we will contact you and provide you with a full grant application form to complete and submit the required evidence.

Grant applications will be assessed before a funding panel will decide whether or not to allocate the grant.