Winter information and advice

Information and advice on preparing for winter and more.

Latest weather reports and warnings (MET Office website)

Visit the Met Office for the latest information on the weather and weather warnings.

Services and information

Winter weather advice (external website)

Information and advice provided by the Welsh Government.

Get ready for winter (external website)

Information and advice from the MET Office.

Keep warm this winter

Information and advice on keeping warm this winter.

Keep Warm Stay Well (Age Cymru) (external website)

Age Cymru offers information on how to keep well, warm and safe over the winter months.

Keep warm this winter

Information and advice on staying warm this winter.

Winter Fuel Payment (external website)

Winter Fuel Payment information.

Stay well this winter

Information and advice on staying well this winter.

Stay well this winter

Information and advice on how to stay well this winter.

Winter Health: Keep Warm, Keep Well (external website)

Information and advice from NHS 111 Wales.

Driving safely in winter (external website)

Advice on how to drive safely in wintry conditions.

Prepare your home for winter (external website)

Advice on how to prepare your home for winter (Welsh Water website)

Clearing your path or driveway (external website)

Clearing snow and ice from the pavement outside your home can help prevent slips and falls (MET Office website).

Information and services

Cost of living support

Information about the support available to help people with the cost of living.

Public transport

Buses, trains, tickets and passes. Everything you need to get around.

Winter gritting

We spread salt on roads to prevent ice forming on every night when icy or frosty conditions are forecast.

Emergency school closures

Find out if your school is closed.

Bin collection dates

Find out your waste and recycling days.

Report a snow, ice or gritting problem

Report a problem online.


Extreme weather

Information and advice about how to deal with extreme weather conditions.


What to do in the event of a flood.

Power loss and emergencies

You can call 105 to report or get information about power cuts in your local area.