
Information for landlords in Denbighshire.

Damp and mould

Damp and mould growth are caused by excess moisture, which can be worse in cold weather due to a lack of heating and ventilation. To reduce damp and mould growth in your home, you can:

  • maintain low level background heating and avoid heating just one room
  • always ensure that fitted extractor fans are in use and windows are open when bathing/showering and cooking.
  • improve ventilation by opening windows for a short period every morning to let out the moisture which has built up overnight
  • remove condensation and moisture from windows and surfaces as soon as it appears
  • try to avoid drying clothes on radiators or heaters
  • keep a small gap between large pieces of furniture and the walls to allow air to circulate

Get more information about damp and mould from the Rent Smart Wales resource library (external website)

Services and information

Leasing Scheme Wales

Leasing Scheme Wales provides you with the opportunity to lease your property to us for hassle free guaranteed monthly rental income.

Rent Smart Wales (external website)

Rent Smart Wales process landlord registrations and grant licences to landlords and agents who need to comply with the Housing (Wales) Act 2014.

Multiple Occupancy Home (HMO) licences

When you need a HMO licence and how to apply.

Log in or register your landlord housing benefit account

View your landlord Housing Benefit payments and letters.

Tenancy deposit protection (external website)

Information about the deposit protection schemes available (GOV.UK).

Support for your tenants

Benefits, grants and advice for your tenants.

Universal credit for landlords

Universal Credit is a benefit designed to support people of working age who are on a low income or out of work.

Standards for private housing

Standards to expect from a privately rented home.

Landlord Offer

Information about the Landlord Offer including how to apply.

Contact Council Tax

Let us know about tenants moving in or out.