Working from home
Can I claim for broadband and electricity?
Employees will be responsible for providing their own broadband for agile working purposes. The council will not reimburse any additional costs, i.e. electricity, broadband, phone lines etc.
Can I buy a desk, chair, printer etc and claim for these?
Employees working from home are required to provide suitable working conditions including a chair and desk. Employees will not be able to claim for any equipment in addition to the below ICT kit. Employees who require reasonable adjustments may need additional equipment and this will be arranged in consultation with occupational health and the line manager.
Employees will be provided with the necessary ICT equipment and technology in order to work in an agile manner. As a minimum you will be provided with:
- a laptop
- keyboard and mouse
- laptop stand
- headset
What if I don’t have the space at home to work?
You are able to work from your normal place of work or by arrangement, another appropriate council office.
What if I don’t want to work at home?
You are able to work from your normal place of work or by arrangement, another appropriate council office.
What if home isn’t safe space to be in and work from?
If an employee is unable to work safely at home, then they will be required to work from an appropriate council office.
What if I have a disability and need special equipment to work?
Employees working from home are required to provide suitable working conditions including a chair and desk, however, in line with the Equality Act 2010, the council will consider and support any reasonable adjustments. All requests for special equipment will be considered by Occupational Health.
Do I need to make sure my home insurance covers me to work from home?
Computers, laptops, phones and other items of equipment provided by the Council are covered by the council’s insurance policy. However, employees will still need to make sure the equipment and any information on it is safe and secure.
Employees are responsible for contacting anyone with an interest in their property (e.g. mortgage lenders, landlords, leaseholders, building and contents insurer) to make sure there is nothing they need to consider when working from home. The council will not be responsible for any additional costs as a result.
Employees working at home or from home will be covered by the council’s Employers Liability Policy. Any accidents must be reported immediately in accordance with the council’s reporting guidelines.
What if I have an accident at home, what do I do?
Accidents or incidents at home during work time are classed as work related accidents / incidents and must be reported immediately to the line manager and also be reported by the employee on the DCC online incident / accident form. Employees will only be required to report incidents if they are related to the work activity being done and the equipment DCC have provided to carry out that work.
What if I feel unwell and cannot attend the office but can work a few hours at home?
When working remotely, if an employee is not able to work due to being unwell, the council’s sickness absence reporting procedures apply as it would if the employee was attending the workplace. Please refer to the council’s Attendance at Work Procedure for further details.
My Child is unwell and is unable to go to their normal place of care / school. Can I work from home whilst caring for my child?
Employees must note that the ability to work from home is not a substitute for child care or similar carer responsibilities. It will be an employee’s responsibility to ensure that adequate childcare / caring facilities are in place. However if you feel that you are able to care for your child and still work whilst they are off ill, following a discussion with your manager, you are able to do so. If you are unable to work in those circumstances, there are other forms of leave (including flexi) which can be used subject to managers approval.