What is Volunteering?

Volunteering is an unpaid activity where someone freely gives their time to help an organisation or an individual who they are not related to. Volunteers are not paid staff and do not have a legally binding contractual relationship with the Council.

Anyone 16 years or older can volunteer with the Council. It can be very rewarding and can cover a wide range of tasks, such as:

  • having a cup of tea with someone who feels isolated
  • gardening or working outside protecting and conserving the local environment
  • helping with the archives team to make sure our history is preserved and accessible for others
  • supporting at local sporting or theatre events
  • helping children learn to read in school

Volunteers have played an important part in the delivery of the Council’s services for many years and are greatly valued. Today volunteers fill a variety of roles across Denbighshire.

Volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together, it allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. However, volunteering is a two-way street, and it can benefit you as much as the cause you choose to help. Volunteering helps you meet new people, provides a sense of accomplishment and purpose, and can boost your social skills.

We want to make sure that all Council volunteering opportunities are accessible for everyone.

Do you currently work for an organisation and have volunteering leave?

If so, you can volunteer with Denbighshire County Council.

If you work for an organisation that gives you a number of hours/days to volunteer within your community each year, then why not consider contacting us to see if there are any opportunities available.

If you are interested, then please complete the form below.

Register your interest in becoming a volunteer