Tools for readers

Looking for the perfect next read? Look no further! Denbighshire library members have free access to a range of reading tools designed to find you that special title that ticks all the boxes.

Who Else Writes Like...?

Who else writes like...? (external website)

Who else writes like helps you discover other authors who write like your favourites.

Who Next

Who Next.. (external website)

Who next encourages children and young people to read more widely, by suggesting authors they might enjoy. The tool can be used to guide children who have already enjoyed stories by one writer to find others who write in a similar way.


Whichbook (external website)

Whichbook is the ultimate way to customise your reading. More romance? Like crime novels set in Asia? No problem! Simply use the sliders to set your preferences and let the results roll in!


Gwales (external website)

Gwales is the most comprehensive listing of books from Wales in both Welsh and English with full details, cover images and reviews.

Fantastic Fiction

Fantastic Fiction (external website)

Search and browse bibliographies of over 50,000 bestselling fiction authors, with the latest books and series information.