Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings advice service

We can give you pre-application advice for most types of development on Listed Buildings or developments in Conservation Areas and World Heritage sites.

You may also require planning consent for any type of development and information on obtaining this consent can be found on our planning advice page.

How to arrange this service?

To arrange this service you will need to complete a pre-application advice form to request listed building and conservation area advice and email it to or post it to Denbighshire County Council at:

PO Box 62
LL15 9AZ

Request for listed building and conservation area pre-application advice (PDF, 132KB)

Please make sure that you provide all the additional documents requested when you send your form.

How much does it cost?

Costs can vary on what type of advice you require. Use the headings below to find out the charges for your service type:

Pre-application advice for listed building consent and for developments within conservation areas

We can give pre-application advice on all applications involving works to a listed building or on a conservation area and all informal enquiries from prospective purchasers.

Charges for pre-application advice for listed building consent and for developments within conservation areas
Advice Cost
 Written Advice   £60 per hour 
 Up to 1 hour office meeting + written advice  £120
 Up to 1 hour site meeting + written advice   £180
Site Development monitoring charges for listed building consent

We can give advice on site development projects such agreeing samples/details, changes to approved plans, uncovering historic fabric etc.

Charges for advice on site development projects
Advice Cost
 Up to 1 hour site meeting £120
 Up to 1 hour site meeting + written advice £180
Completions certificate charges to certify compliance with listed building consent

We can give issue completion/compliance certificates for listed building consent.

Charges for completion/compliance certificates for listed building consent
Advice Cost
Up to 1 hour Site Meeting + Written Advice/completion certificate    £180

How to pay

The charge associated with your enquiry will be payable via an invoice which will be issued to the applicant within 14 days of receipt of your enquiry form.

What other services do we provide?

  • Site inspections and advice during construction stage
  • Completion certificate to certify compliance with listed building consent

What happens after requesting the advice?

We will contact you within 5 working days to let you know that we’ve received your form.

If you have not sent the required information then we’ll contact you and explain what you need to do. If we have had all the information we need, we aim to provide written advice within 21 days.