Welsh Language Strategy 2023 to 2028

Denbighshire County Council's Welsh language strategy.

Services and information


An introduction to the Welsh Language Strategy, its background and aims for the future.

Welsh language is a corporate priority

What the Council is doing to promote the Welsh language.

Executive summary

An overview of the four themes that support the Welsh Language strategy.

Summary of the challenges

What are the challenges facing the Welsh language in Denbighshire?

The Welsh language in Denbighshire

An overview of changes to the number of Welsh speakers based on age and where they live.

National policy and legislation

Law and policy that affects the Welsh language.

Theme 1: children and young people

How we promote and support the Welsh language for children and young people.

Theme 2: the community

How we're encouraging the use of Welsh in our communities.

Theme 3: business and economy

The role of the Welsh in business and the importance of the economy for the language.

Theme 4: Council internal administration

How the Council promotes the Welsh language as an employer.

Monitoring and regulation

How we measure our progress and deliver on our commitments.