Template testing

Batch #1 templates

  1. Standard web page (TSP template)
  2. Service landing page with promotions (TSLPPROMO template)
  3. Service landing page (TSLP template)
  4. Online form example (TFORM template)
  5. Map summary page (TMAPSUMMARY template)
  6. Map standard page (TMAP template)
  7. Microsite page (TMICRO template)
  8. General page (including website components) (TBASIC template)

Batch #2 templates

  1. Bin collection dates
  2. Events - Summary
  3. Events - Detail
  4. Google AdSense
  5. Home page
  6. News - Summary
  7. News - Detail
  8. Public rights of way
  9. Schools - Summary
  10. School - Detail
  11. Schools - Emergency school closures
  12. Search results
  13. Page not found (404 error)