Pride of Place and Natural Environment: successful project bids 

Funded by UK Government logo

Denbighshire County Council is pleased to have secured £19.97m from Round 3 of the UK Government’s Funding to support the development of 7 projects which are intended to enhance town centres and surrounding areas in the former Vale of Clwyd constituency.

This funding scheme was open to local authorities to submit bids around the themes of addressing regeneration, heritage or transport. 

The proposals included for the former Vale of Clwyd constituency were supported by the former constituency MP and local elected members.

The full list of projects is available below. 

Once the funding is finalised and project teams are established, a public information event will be organised to share information on the projects with more detailed consultation to take place once the projects are further developed.   Events will be promoted via the Council’s social media site and within the local media nearer the time.

If you would like to keep up to date with the latest developments from the Pride of Place and Natural Environment projects, you can subscribe to our mailing list.

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Full list of projects

Details of the LUF Round 3 projects are in the following table:

LUF Round 3: Pride of Place and Natural Environment projects
Project Activity NameLocationDescription
Rhyl Town Centre Public Realm Rhyl

A scheme to regenerate the public realm and better connect the town centre with the beach.

Rhyl Central Promenade Rhyl

Improve accessibility and create better connectivity between the promenade and the town centre.

Rhyl Town Centre Gateway Pocket Park Rhyl

Remove unsafe buildings and provide an open, planted welcoming green space and seating areas, accessible for all.

Rhyl Queens Market Public Realm Rhyl

Improvements to support the offer of Rhyl Queen’s Market.

Former North Wales Hospital Denbigh

Scheme to demolish unsafe parts and safeguard the remainder of the Grade II listed building to enable private sector development works to be undertaken.

Prestatyn High Street Public Realm Prestatyn

Enhance the public realm and green infrastructure on the main high street. Improve town centre accessibility.

Prestatyn Nature Park Prestatyn

Provide a peaceful place to walk around the wetland, enhancing pedestrian and cycle route by connecting to other routes.

Contact Us

Please use our general enquiry form and choose ‘Levelling Up Funding’ as the relevant service. In your enquiry, please tell us which project is of specific interest and we will pass this on to the relevant project manager.

Holding an event at our project locations

Our holding an event in Denbighshire page includes an online form to share the details of any events you're planning. Telling the Council about your event means we can let you know if it's likely to be affected by work on any of our projects.