UKSPF project: Town Centre Property Improvement Scheme

Project lead: Denbighshire County Council
Project overview
This project will target vacant, under utilised or untidy properties in town centres to:
- instigate improvements to the visual amenity
- stimulate investment
- increase employment opportunities
- improve the vibrancy of Denbighshire town centres
This will be delivered through a grant programme open to Town Centre commercial property owners and occupiers to fund improvements to the appearance and viability of buildings. The work will be driven through the recruitment of two dedicated Place Improvement Officers who will be a proactive presence in the community.
Project update
March 2024
Expressions of interest have been invited from commercial property owners/occupiers who have a project to improve their property and have received strong interest in the grant scheme from all 8 eligible town and city centres within the county.
Two Improvement Officers have been recruited to support commercial property owners/occupiers to improve their properties with a view to making our towns and city a better place to shop, visit and reside.