Salary Sacrifice Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contributions (SSSCAVC) Scheme
Want to improve your pension benefits when you retire?
You can join Prudential’s Shared Cost Salary Sacrifice AVC’s scheme and DCC will also contribute into your AVC fund through a Salary Sacrifice arrangement. This means that you could save both Tax & NI contributions on your AVC payments. It's never too early to start thinking about the kind of lifestyle you want when you stop working.
In addition to your main Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) benefits, Salary Sacrifice Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contributions (SSSCAVCs) could help you do this by providing an extra retirement benefit.
Before you apply, you must read the information in the document below about the benefits, terms and conditions for the scheme:
Salary Sacrifice Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contributions Scheme: employer's pack (PDF, 204KB)
As covered in the information document above, you will also need to contact Prudential and complete the appropriate online application form (external website) before you complete our application form. If you are a member of the scheme already, you can change your monthly contribution using our form:
Apply to join the scheme or amend an existing SSSCAVC
Please contact the Payroll Department on 01824 706033 if you need more information.
Cycle to Work from Cycle Solutions
Cycling is great for you and the environment. You can typically save up to 42% through the Cycle to Work scheme. Costs will be recovered from your salary via Salary Sacrifice.
You can choose a bike and any safety accessories, loan them for an agreed length of time and exchange a set amount of your salary each month during the loan period.
For more information or to join this scheme please visit DCC Rewards Direct website (external website)
Please note, full terms and conditions apply. Only available to employees that have a contract longer than the term of the agreement and following a successful probation period. Visit the website above for more information.
Tusker Salary Sacrifice Car Scheme
Get a brand-new car for a lot less with no deposit.
Did you know you can enjoy driving hassle free while making big savings on a brand-new car? Thanks to the Car Benefit Scheme from Tusker, you can order a car in stock today or have your favourite car built with all your chosen features, then take advantage of the schemes package which includes:
- a brand new car
- insurance
- road tax
- replacement tyres
- MOTs
- servicing and repairs
- breakdown cover
- accident support
And you can save even more with Electric or Ultra Low Emissions Cars.
All of these incredible benefits are included in one cost which is taken from your monthly salary, so you also get to save on tax and N.I.
For more information, to browse through the cars and to place an order, please visit the DCC Rewards Direct website (external website).
Please note, full terms and conditions apply. This scheme is not available under teacher pay and conditions.
You may also want to consider Denbighshire County Council’s Car Lease Scheme.
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