Recruitment and selection stages 

The Recruitment and Selection procedure and policy includes guidance, processes and forms for managers at Denbighshire County Council when recruiting.

A recruitment checklist is also available.

Recruitment stages

Stage 1: a potential vacancy arises

  • A need for a new position is considered. Does this post need to be filled?
  • A new job description is reviewed or substantial changes are made to an existing job description.

Stage 2: starting the recruitment process

The recruiting manager completes the following forms using the correct templates and formatting:

Stage 3: intermediate stage

Suitable redeployees are considered by Human Resources. HR will contact the recruiting manager if there is someone suitable from the re-deployment pool.

Stage 4: short-listing

  • Application forms are received by Human Resources.
  • Shortlist form is completed in full for all candidates and signed by the shortlisting panel.
  • Guaranteed interview scheme checked. Applicants who have selected this option must be shortlisted if essential criteria is met.
  • Interview Schedule form is completed in full and signed by the recruiting manager.

Stage 5: preparing for interview

  • Questions / Assessment Centre prepared.
  • Copy of applications for the panel, Terms and Conditions of post ready to reiterate to candidates.

Stage 6: interview

  • An interview assessment form is completed and signed in full by the panel;
  • Employment checks for all candidates undertaken, including qualification checks, employment checks for all candidates, including eligibility to work in UK, photo ID.

Stage 7: post interview

  • Successful candidate(s) notified verbally
  • Unsuccessful candidates notified verbally – feedback provided
  • Appointment form completed in full and signed by the recruiting manager – emailed to Human Resources with interview notes and assessment forms;
  • Reference checks (not applicable for schools who have their own department)
  • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) forms to be completed by employee and checked by HR.

Appointment form (MS Word, 158KB)

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