Temporary event notice (TEN)
You must apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) if you want to hold an ad-hoc event, such as a concert or a street party, where you will be:
You must also check:
- if you need any other permissions, such as permission from the landowner to use the site.
- if there are any restrictions, such as restrictions on planning permission or restrictions on your lease.
- the Temporary Event Notice will not override these permissions and you must make sure you are complying with all restrictions.
How to apply
To apply for a TEN:
- You must be at least 18 years old
- You must apply for a standard TEN no later than 10 clear working days before the event
- It is possible to apply for a late TEN no later than 5 clear working days before the event, but you will not be able to appeal the decision if your late TEN is refused.
Clear working days do not include the day we receive your notice or the day of the event.
You will need a Public Protection (PP) Cymru online account to apply for a TEN.
Apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) online
Find out more about PP Cymru online accounts.
How much does it cost?
It costs £21 to apply for a standard and late Temporary Event Notice.
When you apply online you will pay online using a debit or credit card.
How to pay
You will need to make a payment when applying for this licence through your PP Cymru account.
Useful information
- Keep your Temporary Event Notice in a safe place at the event.
- You must display a copy of the Temporary Event Notice in a prominent location at the premises.
If you are applying online, we will forward a copy of your notice to the Responsible Authorities on your behalf.
If you are applying by post, you must send a copy of the notice to: Denbighshire County Council Licensing Authority, Denbighshire County Council Environmental Health and North Wales Police.
Licensing Act 2003 (external website).