Education Self-Service

You will need an Education Self-Service account to apply for a 2025 school place in Denbighshire.

Transferring schools

You do not need an Education Self-Service account if you would like to apply for your child to transfer from one school to another.

Find out more about transferring schools

How to create or log into an account

You can create your Education Self-Service account before the application period opens.

Create or log into a Education Self-Service account

Account verification

When registering for an Education Self-Service account, you will be sent an email to verify your account. Please follow the instructions in this email. Registering will not be complete until you have verified your account

You may need to check your email's spam or junk folder for the verification email. 


When creating a password for your account, you can only use:

  • numbers
  • upper / lower case letters
  • the following special characters @ ; : # ~ * & ^ % $ ! ) (  

If you use a password generator, please check that it only uses the characters that are allowed. 

Lost or forgotten password

If you lose or forget your password, please use the 'Forgot Password' link when trying to sign into your account. 

Report an issue

You can report an issue about the Education Self-Service online.

Report an issue about the Education Self-Service

When to set up an account and apply

You can set up an account at any time, but applications will only be available at certain times during the year. 

Secondary school places

Applying for a 2025 year 7 secondary school place will be available from 2 September 2024, for children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014.

Reception places

Applying for a 2025 reception place will be available from 23 September 2024 for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.

Junior places

Applying for a 2025 junior (year 3) place will be available from 23 September 2024 for children born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018.

Nursery places

Applying for a 2025 nursery place will be available from 23 September 2024 for children born between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022.