Corporate Plan: Monitoring progress
Although the Corporate Plan is owned by the County Council, responsibility for the ongoing governance of the Corporate Plan and driving its delivery will sit with our Cabinet and Senior Leadership Team. However, the plan cannot be delivered in isolation of other partnerships, strategies, delivery bodies, services, or scrutiny functions. The plan has of course been developed to take account of, and build upon other existing areas of delivery; and it is important that they all work together to guarantee its success.

Portfolio Diagram Description.
The council has strong performance management arrangements in place, which we will apply to the monitoring and reporting of progress against this Corporate Plan. This will include a rigid performance framework, agreed by managers and councillors, that articulates indicators, performance measures and activities with clear targets and expectations that match the ambition that we have for our communities.
We will produce performance reports against this framework every six months, sharing it with our Senior Leadership Team, Cabinet and Scrutiny to better inform their decisions on where improvement is needed and how resources are allocated. These reports, which form our Self-Assessment of Performance (required under the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021), are also shared with our Governance and Audit Committee and full Council annually, and published on our performance web pages.
We will annually review our objectives and actions to make sure that they are still the right ones for our communities, which includes inviting feedback from our residents. We also accept that not everything that we hope to do may be possible as circumstances change. We will always be transparent about any changes that we make, and report on any adjustments and the rationale behind them.